Knitting while we freeze

Monday, September 20, 2004

Making Progress!! (??)

WELL... I have finished a few things: Shrug/shawl type thing, crocheted poncho, baby hat and booties. I really need to get going on the mittens and felted bags. Stitches East is putting me a week behind, but it should be worth it! One thing: I noticed while making items for specific people: I am almost done on item A for person B when I see something that would be even better for person B. DRAT!! Focus, Kim, Focus.


At September 24, 2004 at 1:26 PM, Blogger Amy Boogie said...

That's great that you have stuff finished. Focus? what's that. I'm thinking lots of people are either getting yarn as presents or I might venture out to the mall.


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