Knitting while we freeze

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

the officially approved, commercial free christmas list

well, all this dnc coverage is making me yearn for winter ('cuz i'm sick of all the political games both sides play and i'd like to go ahead and vote and let things settle out so we can go back to business as a country) so why not make my christmas list?

one. lacy moebius for the mom using blackberry ridge woolen mills silk-wool lace weight mix in deep red.
two. lacy moebius for the aunt using blackberry ridge woolen mills 100% wool lace weight in natural grey.
three. watchcap of some sort for the dad using lion brand homespun in pagoda (red, black, and white).
four. scarf with a nifty upenn p for the upenn friend using random, cheap yarn in navy and red.
five. an assortment of watchcaps and warm things for the boy in various blue yarns.
six. shawl of some sort for the grandmother using cheap acrylic i have laying around in white.
seven. a purse for the kate using cotton classic in light blue, dark green, and maybe a light green.
eight. a llama or monkey for the baby brother (read: 12 year old cutie pie) using feltable yarn of some sort in blue or green.
nine. a thin hat for the hermit-like coworker who loves biking to wear under his bike helmet using more cheap acrylic in brown or green.
ten. 10 keyhole scarf + adult sized hat combos for a charity.
eleven. 10 pretty child sized hats for charity.

this doesn't count my list of stuff i'm making for a church's alternative christmas sale in october, either...

but you know, i think i can manage this list; it's mostly easy stuff...except that lace stuff. i'm having trouble with my lace because you have to block the bloody hell out of it so i have trouble being patient with myself while i do a swatch to make sure i'm getting the counts right. i'll just have to trust lovlies like emmacrew when she says that lace works out.

happy christmas knitting!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

FO number 1

I finished my first xmas gift.

I also added, yes added, to my xmas list. I am a glutton for punishment, or I just have high hopes. I added slippers and sweaters for 2 kids. Kid sweaters are easy I keep telling myself. No problem. I'll be done in no time. right?

First Christmas present finished!

Yipee! This is a first for me having a present done in July! This cable hat is for my son-in-law. Now...I must keep going and start something else... hmmm what to make next... I should have some kind of list...but that would be too organized for me! How is everyone else doing with their knitting?

not exactly knitting yet...

OK. I 'fess up. I haven't started my winter knitting yet. For once (and for the very, very first time) I have 2 things on the needles for MEMEME! So, I have been selfish and I promise to start something soon.

And how can I not? Christine was so very fabulous to send me some needles in exchange for some yarn. Needles I can use to knit with wire. Very wonderful. I plan on packing them with my wire and beads I acquired for the projects for my vacation next week. I bought some really lovely small pearls (real pearls!) for 2.50 a strand at the bead shop. No one can say I gave them a shabby present if I use pearls... altho they can say it if I don't finish :I

I also received a very lovely pattern for exactly the felted hat I want to make. So I can say I am gathering tools, but haven't started.  Perhaps I am more squirell than I imagine. Is anyone else tool/yarn gathering still?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

the long winding road

my current winter project is pretty simple: make a hank of this stuff into a ball so i can do something with it.

lesson 1: hairbrushes are bad nostepinnes.
lesson 2: lace weight yarn makes good knots.
lesson 3: if i ignore it, it will not wind itself.

eventually, i will be making a moebius for my mom using darilyn page's diagonal lace bookmark pattern.

man, i like lace. maybe i'll still like lace in december!

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Back to Fun

I couldn't bring myself to say "back to work"...

So, we're mostly settled into our new house and I can start on some winter projects.

I've had to revise my list a little. My mom wants a new hat to replace the one she lost last winter and Mom and Dad both want snowmobile mitten liners. They're moving to MN this week, so they should be able to use them. They'll be replacing the socks I was going to knit for them.

I just started carding and spinning for the afghan for my friend. It's going to be a sport-weight yarn - something I can knock out quickly and get started knitting ASAP. I have a Jacob fleece that's been lying about for awhile, so I'm going to try using all of that. I want to make her some wrist warmers too - I think they'll have gauntlets up to the elbow.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Change of Plan

Oh my goodness, I spit on Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton's book! There were so many problems with that pattern that I found myself worrying at every turn. Forget that. I have decided to make a modified version of Tilt from Knitty instead. It's going swimmingly. I should have some nice photos after the weekend.

Friday, July 02, 2004

My List is Short...So far.

This is going to be my mother's Christmas present. 20 whole entire balls of Kureyon in color # 51. Heaven.

It's going to be:

HERRVIK from the Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton Collection - Book One. Shweet, huh? Mom likes cables. And brown. And Noro. (She bought me some Kureyon as a gift when I first started knitting. I had never seen it before she gave it to me.) I bet she pees her pants over this sweater.

She's visiting me this weekend, but as soon as she leaves, I am casting on.

I'll probably make a sweater for my husband, too. I have a couple of pounds of really lovely Romney/Rambo roving in Moorit that would be very flattering on him. He likes brown and cables and anything I make for him, so that's what I'll do.

Hopefully I'll be back with sweater progress photos in a jiffy. I look forward to seeing what other people make.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Welcome to the jungle club

Hi all!

I’m a new knitter (as in 2 months old), but I’m really enjoying it so far. I usually make everyone gifts anyways, starting about this time of the year so I can be done by Thanksgiving. But this is the first year I’ve ever planned to knit anything…so who knows if this is too much. I guess if it is, I’ll be handing out pictures and I.O.U’s….

Here’s my list so far:

A scarf (due in September) and a sweater with a felted bag for my mother
2 sweaters for my dad (his birthday is in Dec too…)
1 hat for my brother
1 pair of socks for his girlfriend
1 jacket with felted bag for my niece
1 pair of gloves for my cousin
For my aunt and another cousin, a scarf each
1 poncho for a friend
1 felted bag for a friend
4 tanks for four friends (they live in sunny, warm places year round)
1 sweater for another friend
(hmm, maybe I have too many friends?)

And that’s not including the *ahem* 14 things I want to do for myself. But I figure if I work on one for me, and one from my list, then I’ll get them done. Now to get started…

Brrr its getting cold

Ok, so maybe not. Its just getting hotter here. July 4th is right around the bend and I'm feeling the xmas crunch. I just barely completed the gifts that are needed for this months birthdays. Well, M's sweater still needs buttons. I'm saving the socks for xmas. I'll get there, although I still have a feeling people will be getting yarn for xmas and only a few people will be happy with that.

Lots of new "signer uppers" - welcome!

Knitty Kim had an idea of handing out prizes for finishers and I think that may be a great idea to get us in gear. What do you all think? I'm going to put my usual Haloscan commenting system linked to this just so I make sure to get all your killer ideas and so that those not signed into blogger can comment too.give me your thoughts

And if you haven't checked it out already - the new Knitty is up. Remember a sexy outfit for you can sometimes double as a gift for your SO, if you know what I mean *wink*